Pick a Payment Option
No initiation fee. Cancel anytime after your sixth month.
$1,639 charged to your card annually. Cancel anytime before your next renewal date.
Forward does not accept health insurance. Instead, we have a flat rate that covers all services offered by Forward – there are NO copays or deductibles.
Our flat rate keeps billing simple and empowers members to fully utilize our services – including in-person and remote visits, baseline labs, 24/7 chat, and personalized health programs.
Your monthly membership can be paid for with an FSA or HSA.
Like other forms of insurance, Medicare and Medicaid do not cover Forward’s membership fee. Members pay one flat rate that covers all services offered by Forward and Forward does not seek reimbursement from Medicare or Medicaid.
Forward’s preventive approach meets most day-to-day primary care needs and gives you consultations for a healthy future. As a Medicaid member (except in Colorado) or Medicare member you can enjoy these services at the same flat rate that all other Forward members pay.
In the event you need services that are not included in your Forward membership, we work to help you manage your out-of-pocket costs.
Insurance is not required to become a Forward member. Forward’s preventive approach meets most day-to-day primary care needs and gives you consultations for a healthy future. In the event you need services that are not included in your Forward membership, we work to manage your out-of-pocket costs.
Our membership model can help bring predictability to spending on primary care. It is, however, very important to understand that a Forward membership is not health insurance and is not a substitute for comprehensive health insurance. We encourage any person (including our members) who can afford it to maintain a separate comprehensive health insurance plan of their choosing.
Forward is not health insurance and therefore does not fulfill the ACA’s health insurance requirement.